Crystal Furtal
Musical Excellence Award
Crystal Furtal Musical Excellence Scholarship is given yearly to the musically talented student at St. John of Arc Catholic Secondary School, Mississauga.
It is a yearly cash award of $2,500.00 committed by the parents.
About Scholarship
Crystal was an active member of St. John of Arc School band, who enjoyed playing multiple instruments. She had a great tenor voice and loved to sing and was a past member of the Merciful Redeemer Youth Choir for many years. In recognition of her lifelong interest in music and performing arts, this award is given to the best musically talented student chosen by the school.
Your donations will be utilized by the school, against expenses related to sports, events, musical competitions, and other extracurricular activities, at the discretion of the school authorities.
Thank you for your support to this cause, under the name of our dear Crystal.
God Bless
Samson and Selma